Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What is Judgement

judgement is different from observation and appreciation. How does each of this thoughs action feel? your self is feedbacking to you.
What you put out you get back. That's why Appreciation feels great.Observation feels neutral. Judgement feels bad.

Imagine your thoughs as a magnifying glass. And your feelings as the vision. When you magnifying on the potholes of a beautiful city. How do you feel? At that moment you can only see the pothole. Enlightenment is to realise that there's a bigger picture and to defocus from the negatives.

When you are focusing on lack, blame, hate, anger. This is what you will find. Because of your magnifying glass. That is all you can see, because it's the only thing you focus on. You will never be happy. Enlightenment is to be aware of the trappings and to deliberately uplift yourself.


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