Uncondition the JOY
What is JOY
Most people. If you ask them when are they joyful. They will say when I get an increment in my salary. Or when I go to my vacation by the sea. When I finish work, if I finish work today. When this when that. When this when that.
The things is. Joy can be felt now. We don't need a condition for joy. We don't need to reach certain conditions before we allow ourselves to feel joy. Joy comes from our mind. We withhold the activation of joy until conditions which we had created is achieve.
Joy is free and it's unconditional. It's us who are conditional. So why not just activate joy everywhere.whenever you go. Or whatever. We don't need a reason to feel joy.
To put it in a more familiar analogy. Let's say we have $1,000 dollars. We give it to a friend for keeping. We tell our friend to hand back the money to us only when we have achieve certain condition. That's an overkill right? We already have the money in the first place. No need to set up a condition before we can spend it.
So. The key is to be aware of this logic. And transcend it. Joy is a natural state of being. When you have reopened the flood gates of Joy. Life would be simply magical. Joy gives you energy, freedom and hope.
It also links you to love.
When you are full of joy and love. You give it out freely without expecting it back. You are more patient. You become the mother theresa of joy and love. Always giving. Never expecting. Because there's no reason to be afraid of lack of joy and love. You have opened the flood gates of joy and love. You have an endless supply to give.
Also you will have more patiences. You do not need to blame others, control others, and hate others in order to feel comfortable or joyful. You already am joyful. You will most likely allow others to be themselves. Because your state of joy does not come from changing them to be who you THINK THEY SHOULD BE in order for you to be joyful.
How to help your love ones and save the world
When you are in joy. You can feel the energy of freedom and power. When a joyful person walks into a room. You will sometimes find that person has an infectious energy which lift up the mood of the room. Slowly everyone in the room will start to show signs of an improved mood.
I believe there's 2 reasons for that.
No 1. He's energy is absorb by the people of the room. Everyone knows that when you're joyful you feel energized. When you feel lack of joy you will lack of energy.
No 2. He's thoughts are absorbed. People will start to remembered to lighten up. And also remember to there're optimistic perspectives that they are not looking at.
So if you want to help your love ones and save the world at the same time. Uplift yourself. And your positive mood will infect the world
Anyways you cannot help your love ones when you have a negative mood. You will just feel terrible and might end up aggravating the situation.
Most people. If you ask them when are they joyful. They will say when I get an increment in my salary. Or when I go to my vacation by the sea. When I finish work, if I finish work today. When this when that. When this when that.
The things is. Joy can be felt now. We don't need a condition for joy. We don't need to reach certain conditions before we allow ourselves to feel joy. Joy comes from our mind. We withhold the activation of joy until conditions which we had created is achieve.
Joy is free and it's unconditional. It's us who are conditional. So why not just activate joy everywhere.whenever you go. Or whatever. We don't need a reason to feel joy.
To put it in a more familiar analogy. Let's say we have $1,000 dollars. We give it to a friend for keeping. We tell our friend to hand back the money to us only when we have achieve certain condition. That's an overkill right? We already have the money in the first place. No need to set up a condition before we can spend it.
So. The key is to be aware of this logic. And transcend it. Joy is a natural state of being. When you have reopened the flood gates of Joy. Life would be simply magical. Joy gives you energy, freedom and hope.
It also links you to love.
When you are full of joy and love. You give it out freely without expecting it back. You are more patient. You become the mother theresa of joy and love. Always giving. Never expecting. Because there's no reason to be afraid of lack of joy and love. You have opened the flood gates of joy and love. You have an endless supply to give.
Also you will have more patiences. You do not need to blame others, control others, and hate others in order to feel comfortable or joyful. You already am joyful. You will most likely allow others to be themselves. Because your state of joy does not come from changing them to be who you THINK THEY SHOULD BE in order for you to be joyful.
How to help your love ones and save the world
When you are in joy. You can feel the energy of freedom and power. When a joyful person walks into a room. You will sometimes find that person has an infectious energy which lift up the mood of the room. Slowly everyone in the room will start to show signs of an improved mood.
I believe there's 2 reasons for that.
No 1. He's energy is absorb by the people of the room. Everyone knows that when you're joyful you feel energized. When you feel lack of joy you will lack of energy.
No 2. He's thoughts are absorbed. People will start to remembered to lighten up. And also remember to there're optimistic perspectives that they are not looking at.
So if you want to help your love ones and save the world at the same time. Uplift yourself. And your positive mood will infect the world
Anyways you cannot help your love ones when you have a negative mood. You will just feel terrible and might end up aggravating the situation.
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